Saturday, May 30, 2009


For the last month or so I have been learning a lesson in courage. Or should I say, many lessons in courage. I started studying courage at the beginning of May. One thing that caught me off guard is the true meaning of courage. Courage is an outward showing of inward confidence. It isn't an absence of fear, instead, it is the strength to take risks, to face and endure difficulty, and to withstand our fear. In other words, you have to experience fear in order to have courage. I am reading a book by Katie Brazelton and Shelley Leith called Character Makeover. In this book they go through important character qualities (humility, confidence, courage, patience, self-control, contentment, generosity, and perseverance) and help you increase those character traits in yourself. I have been living in the courage chapter for almost a month now. Mostly because it has been a great and much-needed lesson for me lately.

Esther, of the Bible, has a very dramatic story. I have studied it before, but it has been a great refresher for me in the last month to look at her story. Esther was a Jewish woman living in the palace of the Persian king (Xerxes) and he had the power to destroy the Jewish people. Esther took the risk to go before the king without his permission (punishable by death) and plead the case of her people. However terrified she may have been, she was going to do what she had to courage. Esther didn't rush into the king's chambers and demand her way. She spent time preparing herself for the challenge. She put everything aside for 3 days to prepare to show the ultimate courage. When she did take the courageous step, she was heard by the king and her people were saved.

Now obviously, my courage is not needed to save an entire people. However, it is needed to save myself. I had to have courage to stop drinking a year and a half ago. I have had to have courage to stay sober and resist the temptation to drink. I had the courage to get help in battling depression and have since become a mentally healthier person. Now, onto my next battle. I have always battled with my weight. I have tried every quick fix, fad diet, and pill you can imagine. No more. I decided to have the courage to change my life. I have always been so afraid of failure that I just couldn't stick with anything. This time it is different. I took advice from Esther. I took time to prepare. I wrote goals and I also wrote out my fears and countered them with truth.

My first feat is a big one. Other than changing my eating habits so that I may become a healthier (and hopefully lighter) person, I am going to run a 5K in August. Crazy! I've never even run a whole mile, much less 3.2 miles. However, I have not only the courage, but the people surrounding me to support me. I am working at making changes. I am facing fears...the true meaning of courage. Fear acts as a prison. It keeps us trapped and powerless. Courage breaks us out of that prison and gives us new life.

I would like to end by giving you some encouragement:
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7

No matter what is facing you, no matter the fear you are facing, God can give you the courage you need to overcome. As I face some of my fears, I want to challenge you to do the same. Take charge, call out to Him who casts out all fear and take COURAGE!!! May God bless you in this courageous journey.